Our foireann numbered four on Saturday at 11.30am: Orla, Deirdre, Eileen agus Diarmuid.
As usual, many signatures, many conversations. While we welcome the support of all generations, the interest of parents with young and from young people themselves continues to be heartening for the future and we like to show the Grotesque on No.55 and explain its battle injuries. This sculpture predates the 1916 Rising and the tip of its wing is missing, reputedly shot off during the Rising; we’ve adopted the image as our campaign group logo, reproduced also on our campaign badges. Its history is a visual historical connection and great to explain to children.
As usual too, a number of people of migrant backgrounds signed our petition, including one working with the recent arrival Nepalese street food stall. Their language is said to be closely related to Sanskrit, from which all European languages bar three are descended. Including Irish – hear the numbers 1 to 10 in Hindi or Urdu and you’d be forgiven for thinking they were in a dialect of Irish.
A representative of a history heritage group in Mayo came to discuss problems they’re having with the Department of Heritage and Diarmuid also had a long discussion with some people from a photography group who were taking snaps in the street.
Discussion is very much partly what we are about but this meant we only got one photo of Orla and Eileen ag obair, both hard workers for the campaign, which was a pity.
Bhí sé scamallach ach te go leor gan a bheith mí-chompórdach.
We knew we needed new leaflets for distribution but were trying to find someone to design the leaflet cover for us so that we don’t use the same images with every new text run. Unsuccessful so far, we had to take a leaflet to a friendly photocopying shop to copy some double-sided. That’s the most expensive way to have it done but needs must, as they say, though they gave us a really big discount. We’re still hunting for someone willing to donate their electronic design services so we can have the next lot produced by a printer …
No excitement on the street while we were there although a bit later that afternoon a young man and young woman were confronted separately, accused of theft. The young man, Irish, with a pack of Lucozade bottles, was struggled with by a slightly older man, S.Asian, security guard from Dealz.
We have no update at the moment on the legal battles around Moore Street but we’d encourage you to sign our online petition. The signature numbers are considered verified and can be counted.