B’iad Bróna, Orla, Deirdre agus Diarmuid our team for the day.
Things went a bit slowly for us in Moore Street today except that Séamus, Jason’s Irish Wolfhound created a bit of interest around our stall. Séamus would never be thought of as small so he would hardly be the subject of the song:
An bhfaca tú mo Shéamaisín,
mo Shéamaisín,
mo Shéamaisín …
Jason knows a lot about the circumstances of the start of the conservation campaign over 20 years ago and he and Diarmuid were discussing it. Séamus had nothing to say (except a whine at one point) …
We have some biographies of Harry Boland by Jim Maher on sale for the ridiculous price of €5, also our campaign logo badges, D-pin models the cheaper ones and others in pin-and-butterfly-clasp type.
During the week some of our campaign group attended a conference organised by Sinn Féin for a group by the name of the Save Moore Street Trust. Our campaign group, over 500 Saturdays on the street, got no mention but we didn’t feel singled out for being overlooked because the significant contributions of many others were overlooked too.
Later that day some of our campaign group also attended a Republic Day event following in the footsteps of the late Tom Stokes who had been campaigning for a number of years to have April 24th recognised as Republic Day, being the date of the first day of the 1916 Rising and on which the Proclamation was read out by Patrick Pearse in front of the GPO building. One year after Stokes’ death our group organised the Republic Day event outside the GPO.
With the end of our shift approaching today we packed up quickly as some of us wanted to attend a book launch in Glasnevin Cemetery, by Derek Molyneux and Darren Kelly. We hope to have them down to our stall some day soon.
Bhí sé grianmhar, mostly.
Have you signed our petition online yet? You can get to it through the link https://my.uplift.ie/petitions/save-moore-street or by scanning our QR image. Have you asked others to do so? We want to reach as many on line as we did in hard copy – well over 380,000. You can help us get there!