Save Moore Street Awareness Week 481 – 9 December 2023

Bhí sé gaofar ach gan ach beagán báisteach. Indeed, VERY gaofar, with the flags threatening to take off into the sky. For that reason, all the new market stalls and mobile kitchens had been cancelled.
B’iad Brona, Orla, Deirdre, Eileen agus Diarmuid an foireann inniu.
Despite the absence of all the new Moore Street Market stalls and mobile kitchens, we had frequent individuals and crowds coming to sign our petition, even as we were trying to pack up at 1.30pm and by which time we had run out of leaflets for the day.
As usual, the gender mix of signers ranged from children to pensioners, Dubs and other Irish, people of migrant backgrounds and visitors (including Irish migrants abroad visiting their original homeland).
OUR CAMPAIGN NOW HAS AN ONLINE PETITION! Back in 2014 when we started the weekly table, we had one but something technical went wrong with it and we’ve not had one since. We’re very grateful to Andrea who set this one up for us – muchísimas gracias/ go raibh míle maith agat!
Not only can the supporters of the campaign living in or visiting Dublin now sign the petition but all can now invite their relations and friends all over Ireland and the world to sign online also.
The MOORE STREET DRAMATISED HISTORY TOUR organised by the 1916 Performing Arts Club (like ourselves an organisation independent of any political party) went ahead last Sunday with narration and impressive dramatic performances and songs. The video taken is being edited but we’ll post some photos of it soon.
HAMMERSON’S HIGH COURT CASE against Dublin City Council as far as we know is going to make an appearance at the High Court on Tuesday 12 December though clearly it cannot be concluded then.

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