It was raining very lightly but would soon soak leaflets and petition sheets in our usual spot so we moved across to a sheltered location and set up there.
Deirdre, Orla, Eileen agus Diarmuid were the foireann today, with Bróna a rare Saturday off.
Though the street seemed busy but no busier than usual, we were kept very busy talking to people and collecting signatures. One of the aspects that we find very encouraging is the attitude of parents encouraging children to sign the petition – we campaign to save parts of the past in the present to hand it on to generations in the future.
Mick and his family signed the petition but also posed for a solidarity photo.
As in other recent Saturdays, people passed through the street wearing kifyehs or with flags etc, this week on their way to the Garden of Remembrance, from where a Palestine solidarity march was to march through the city centre.
We brought our banner out for the Bram Stoker Festival parade in Moore Street last Monday, along with our own monster, the Property Speculator horror (which you can see in our photos from that day on a separate post but the Speculator Horror made an appearance today also – see photos).
Speaking of speculator horrors, Hammerson appealed DCC’s Planning Department refusal to grant them 11years for their plan and restricting them to seven. Since Hammerson says their plan will take 11 years and can’t be done in seven, they should have been turned down completely. Turning Moore Street into a building site for seven years – never mind eleven — will kill the street market.
As we reported last week, the High Court case of Hammerson against DCC councillors nominating five buildings for historical conservation is scheduled for 12th December