Bróna, Orla agus Diarmuid were the foireann for the day.
Business in terms of people coming to sign and discuss was a little slower than usual that day. Every day on the street has things that are the same as before but also things that are different, as in any living street.
A passing street musician signed the petition and asked if we’d like him to come and play a few numbers of our stall; we said we would and he promised to return on another Saturday. We often get such promises, well-meant but not always resulting in action later, though musicians such as Paul O’Toole, Cormac Breatnach, Eoin Dillon, John Cummins and Evelyn Campbell have performed at events we have organised on the street in the past.
We’ve posted the photo of a mural in Moore Street which underlines the importance of song as an expression of historical memory in the Irish culture. Thankfully we also have some good historians, however, along with those who write the versions appreciated by those in power.
The quotation is often attributed to Frank Harte, a Dublin architect by trade but a singer and collector of songs, in particular pertaining to Dublin.
A woman – sadly we did not get her name – told us that her grandfather, Vol. James Donnelly, had been a sniper in the Stephen’s Green garrison. That section was under Irish Citizen Army overall command (including Michael Mallin and Constance Markievicz) so her grandfather was likely a member of the ICA also – the first workers’ army in the world.
Another woman told us that she had spent four years working in Skellet’s (we failed to get her name either ), a shop selling a wide variety of products but long gone from Moore Street now.
Along with Irish people we always get some from abroad signing our petition; that Saturday this included an Italian couple and a visiting German family, so Bróna got to practise her German and Diarmuid his minisculo Italiano.
Giovanni, who Diarmuid knew in England associated with the Irish diaspora there, turned up to support the campaign and helped us pack up.
Bhí sé ag bagairt báistigh but all we got was a few sprinkles from a passing cloud and mostly we had to take jackets off due to the warmth. Weather is always an important factor for street activities and over the years ours have taken place in snow, heavy showers, freezing weather and scorching sun.
An Bord Pleanála’s decision on our and others’ appeals against the speculator’s (Hammerson) application is not expected until September or October, we’ve been told unofficially.
A part of the Hammerson application referring to the north end of the terrace and the O’Rahilly Parade has been reopened for comments but we have not yet managed to inspect the new drawings submitted.
Since we have failed to elicit any further information from D.C. Councillors about the Hammerson application to the High Court against the Council for nominating five additional buildings as of national historical importance, we will be obliged to seek it through formal application under the Freedom of Information legislation.