Bróna agus Diarmuid were the skeleton foireann last Saturday with absences due to illness, holidays etc.
You can never tell how the street will be: even taking into account the absence of our usual outlying leafleters, traffic to our stall was slow. Still, we had quality rather than quantity with friends of Bróna visiting and also Deirdre, thankfully on the mend.
Then we had Sheila Kelly, granddaughter of Captain Kelly of the Arms Trial stitchup, and her daughter, Lily Sheridan, the Captain’s great-granddaughter. Both posed for a solidarity portrait with Bróna.
While packing up we had a visit from Carl, who works at the Howth Transport Museum.
Bhí an aimsir beagán te ach go hobann d’iompaigh in a mhonsún and everyone ran for shelter. No fun packing up in the rain!
One of Dublin City Councillors received a very late reply from the Office of Public Works regarding those they consider “stakeholders” and intend to consult about their shoebox museum on Moore Street. No campaigners included!
Just the OPW and the Minister’s Advisory Group on Moore Street, quite a few of which support the Hammerson Plan (though it also contains some who oppose it). We were refused membership of the MAGMS from the outset (nor did any of its members officially object to our exclusion).
It’s not that the OPW really believes we’re not legitimately stakeholders – it’s that we’re the ‘wrong kind’ of stakeholders! We hear the traditional stallholders (not many left now) were consulted but not the independent businesses.
We’re no further along in learning the reasons Hammerson are laying out for their High Court objection to a number of buildings receiving historical conservation listing, nor the date set for the court appearance. The Council’s legal department know, presumably but are not telling – not even to the councillors. Outrageous!
Our appeal to An Bord Pleanála against DCC’s Planning Department approval of the Hammerson plan has still not been adjudicated. Meanwhile, on 30th June in Cork, Paul Hyde was sentenced to jail for two months after pleading guilty to making false and misleading declarations of interest while he was Chairman of the Bord. Strangely, the case did not deal with what reason Hyde had for making those ‘false and misleading declarations’.
Widespread information is the campaign’s most powerful weapon at the moment so please share our posts from time to time on your social media.