Save Moore Street Awareness Week 438 – 11 February 2023

Bhí sé bog, tirm agus gan gaoth.
Bhí foireann mhór againn inniu: Bróna, Orla, Deirdre, Eileen, Cathal, Diarmuid, Christian agus Steve.
Accents from Dublin, other parts of the country and further abroad could be heard in the many queues to sign the petition today.
Again today we put the posters on display about two of the Signatories of the 1916 Proclamation who were executed after being in Moore Street: Patrick Pearse was the son of a migrant and Thomas Clarke was himself a migrant (from England to Ireland, from Ireland to the USA and from there back to Ireland).
We had the Irish Republic flag on display as usual, which these anti-migrant protesters are fond of waving along with the Tricolour. Do they know that was painted in Constance Markievicz’ s house on material she donated and that Constance was not only a Republican but a revolutionary socialist and feminist also? Do they know that a migrant from Argentina hung that flag out over the GPO in 1916?
The tent stalls etc were on the street for this St. Valentine’s week and they make the street look more like a living street market. Sadly, we hear they won’t be back again until the week with St. Patrick’s Day in it.
A social media posterer from New York with a large following posted a Tik Tok video on Moore Street a couple of weeks ago. This guy goes to countries and learns something of their language quickly then videos himself using it. He was at Mari’s stall in Moore Street this time, practicing the Irish he had learned in a couple of weeks and Mari’s son, who speaks a fair bit of Irish was there too and engaging with him through the language. We’ll see whether we can post it later.
We have no updates for you on the status of the planning permission.
Remember, you can be our media: scaip an scéal.

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