Lá bog a bhí ann, even if it was cloudy and damp. We had to wash and dry the flags after their soaking last week.
Bróna, Orla, Deirdre, Elaine, Daniel, Steve and Diarmuid were the foireann today.
Mark Rafferty spoke to us about his great-uncle John Jack Rafferty, a Volunteer captured at the Five Lamps in 1916. As is often the case, nothing was said about him to the children until his father told Mark recently about it. Mark still has his great-uncle’s bicycle.
You might remember us telling you that Gillian Ryan told us two weeks that No.55 was damaged in 1916 and insurance would not pay out so the owner? However, during the week, Eamon J Martin, who is on the Moore Street Memories FB page and had a shop in the same building, says it was not damaged in 1916 except for the bullet impact marks on the side of the building (many still visible to this day). So we are left with some confusion ….
As usual, people from all over were signing the petition today and talking about the need to conserve the buildings and the market, Dubs, people from other counties and other countries. A man from Pakistan wants to do a video of us so we’ll see how that goes.
The last remaining campaign badge was sold today but we’re awaiting a delivery of more, hopefully to arrive soon.
No tent stalls were up last week nor today – was it all just for Christmas commercial promotion?
None of the traditional stalls were open either and the street was much quieter than it has been.
No news expected or received.
Ath-Bhliain faoi mhaise daoibh go léir!
Today we met some people who said they thought the area had been saved, which is something we regularly come across. You can help update people about the campaign on social media by sharing our posts from time. Our website is