Bhí sé cuíosach fuar, ach tirm.
We had a new supporter helping us today, Eileen, who used to work in the GPO before she retired. Eileen was getting people to sign our petition throughout our shift and had them queuing up even when we were packing up. The rest of our team today was Orla and Diarmuid, with Steve helping us pack up at the end.
Two young lads, Patric O’Donoghue from Tipperary and Cillian Nash, approached us to ask if under-18s could sign the petition and when we told them they could of course, did so, then went away and got older relatives to come and sign also. We offered to take the lads’ photo for our weekly album and they were delighted to pose for us. We get signatures from almost the whole age-range but are particularly glad to engage with young people since they are our future.
A Croatian woman signed our petition as did her Irish husband and we chatted while their cute baby smiled at us. Preservation of historic spots, Irish fishing quotas under the EU and other subjects were discussed over the next few minutes.
Some regulars came by to chat too and then a man from from Uganda, very interested, was taking photos of our banner, flags and placards. He’s married to a Dub. He was saying that the former colonies should all be independent and helping one another, which is something we very much agree with, of course.
And we’re still selling campaign badges.
As we informed our readers last week, An Bord Pleanála has notified us it will not give a judgement until January on our appeals against Dublin City Council’s Planning Department approving the Hammerson applications.
Our campaign group is independent of any political party or organisation. You can support us by sharing our posts from time to time.