Save Moore Street Awareness Week 424 – 5 November 2022

Beagán báistigh ar dtús ach lá breá ina dhiaidh.
Bróna, Orla, Deirdre, Steve and Diarmuid were the foireann today.
It was busy on the street and around the area generally.
We had lots of conversations about the campaign, history, conservation ….. Lots of petition signatures and our logo badges continue to sell.
Taking some of the people’s backgrounds in alphabetical order, we had signatures and best wishes from a young Brazilian guy, people on a history tour run by a Belfast man, a number of Dubs (one with his daughter) followed by a Fermanagh man.
Then we chatted to a German Swiss man with his two charming girls. He asked us why Irish is not being spoken widely in Ireland and then translated our answer in German to his eight-year-old daughter. Apparently she had asked him why, since they are in Ireland, is everybody speaking English? Ceist fíor-mhaith!
There was another Irish guy very interested in history though it seemed like he got 10 Moore Street confused with 10 Rutland Square (now Parnell Square), HQ of the Loyal Dublin Volunteers. Steve knew about them – Unionists all and many of them Orangemen in Dublin — and later posted the rest of the team a History Ireland piece on them (see
Yet another wanted to see a museum but also big shops on the street. We were saying we preferred independent businesses rather than chain-stores (the latter always preferred by property speculators); independent shops have an allegiance to their location, while chain-stores have an allegiance only to their head office – wherever that may be.
Then there was an Italian who lives nearby and a group of five Turkish people looking at the 1916 Rising commemorative plaque and trying to read it (it is small and high up) so we talked to them about the history of the street and of the plaque itself (disappeared temporarily in 2001 or 2002 and turned up in a speculators’ office).
Also talked about the O’Rahilly Monument which they were going to see and had managed to find some years ago but remarked that it should be signposted. So we agreed with them and explained that in the end we had to have our own signposts made and erected.
The additional tent-stalls that were there last week were missing today as predicted in our update last week and are expected back 19th and 20th November until 23rd and 24th December, i.e up to Christmas.
But why the gap in the first place? And why wait until the colder part of the year to have them on the street, when the report recommending them was published two years ago? And why nothing about the history, when that was a part of the recommendations?
You could write to the Council or Councillors asking them for the answers.
And of course, spread the word about the campaign on social media, share our posts from time.

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