Bhí sé gaofar ach ceart go leor – until just past 1.30pm when the heavens opened: bhí sé monsúnach! Unfortunately we’d delayed is packing up and so got caught in it as we were doing so.
People gathered under overhangs and crowded into shops while others went running past.
Bróna, Orla and Diarmuid were the foireann today with Steve along to help us pack up (luckilly, considering the weather!).
Diarmuid was our camera person today which is the reason for so few photos of him or of leafleting and a busy table , because he was off giving a short history tour to a couple on holiday from Houston, Texas, USA. They were here last week also and clearly very interested and sympathetic. The tour was for free but they left us a good donation anyway.
Most of the main work was carried out by Bróna at the table and Orla out on the street leafleting and directing people across to the table to sign the petition.
We snapped an Irish-Thai family from Howth in solidarity with the campaign but neglected to get their name (if you know them ask them to drop us a line please).
A lot of people from Tallaght signed the petition, in between which we had a charming couple sign, Russian man married to a Croatian woman signing also.
We were asked whether we are with a particular political party. We are completely independent of any party and although the conservation issue has been raised on occasion by a couple of parties, the issue is rarely mentioned by them from day to day, week to week and even month to month. In addition some of the mass media seem to be boycotting us; at any rate they don’t ask us for news or opinions and do not publish our letters.
After 3pm, some of us still in the area spotted that the Gardaí had parked a patrol car crossways at the Parnell end of the street, preventing forward movement from a car with what appeared to be a man, woman and children inside, the car later seen empty. This area, narrow enough already, soon became packed with cars trying to exit, meanwhile none could enter.
Gardaí are sometimes seen in the street, normally trying to apprehend those selling untaxed tobacco or cigarettes (with €1,500 fine usual for first offence but up to €5,000 is possible).
Níl aon scéal nua againn – the decision of An Bord Pleanála to the objections to the planning permissiond granted to Hammerson is still awaited.
Mar is gnáthach, the best way to support the campaign is to SCAIP AN SCÉAL – i.e by sharing our posts on social media from time to time.