Bhí sé grianmhar agus te. And there were lots of people – especially women — walking around in Stetson-type cowboy hats. The Garth Brooks concert, of course. Perhaps the butchers might be promoting buffalo or longhorn steaks?
The Foireann Saturday was the same as last week’s: Bróna, Orla agus Diarmuid but Steve came along to help near the end.
Mary dropped by to present Bróna with a framed print of photograph she took of her at the recent Harry Boland commemoration in Glasnevin, standing beside Éamonn Ó Cúiv. The point for Bróna is that the TD’s grandfather, De Valera, was a close friend of her grand-uncle, Harry Boland.
Mary had seen a new business open up in Henry Place, which was a building on the west corner with the Moore Lane junction. Diarmuid went around to look and it was a bikeshop in a space which used to be employed only as a store for some street stalls and the manager had a copy of our leaflet stuck to the front of their freezer. We explained the walls are historical, of pre-1916 vintage and that painting the number on them is not appropriate and he agreed to remove those – friendly and obliging people.
Jennifer Maguire from Santry was speaking to us at the stall and agreed to pose for a solidarity portrait photo. People are welcome to do this and they can then share the photo on their own Facebook page – a great way to spread the word and to reach people that we cannot.
An Irish photographer took some photos so Diarmuid started telling him about the grotesque, the “dragon” on the peak of a nearby roof, looking down into Moore Street. We’ve used its image for our logo on posters, leaflets and solidarity badges.
We always also get people with backgrounds in other countries signing our petition and among those this Saturday were a Croatian, a Gallician and Filipina with Irish husband and their children, who put some coins in our collection box.
The new SMSFD badges are proving popular, thanks again to Shamrock Superstore for the donation.
No updates except that the current edition of The Village magazine, No. 77, carries another article about the scandal of public money to pay street traders to vote for the Hammerson plan at a meeting of the Minister’s Advisory Group for Moore Street. The previous edition also had an article about the same issue in which Aengus Ó Snodaigh promised to make an official complaint to the Gardaí; if he did indeed do so we have no information on how it’s progressing.