Save Moore Street Awareness Week 415 – 3 September 2022

AIMSIR: Báisteach, báisteach agus tuille báistigh, gan srian ná stad ná staonadh.
DAOINE: Weather notwithstanding, the foireann of Bróna, Orla and Diarmuid were on the street – even if under the overhang shelter most of the time.
Collette appeared on the street fresh from Holland – formerly a Glasnevin tour guide, this Dutchwoman is not only well up on Irish revolutionary history but has a grá for it also. She would be helping to run the monthly 1916 Performing Arts Club later that evening and, for a change, her flight was early. So …. down to Moore Street she went to greet the campaigners! We persuaded her to pose for a photo (in the rain) in front of our banner.
Also appearing on the street was Marcelo Alvarez and his family, visiting from Euskal Herria (the Basque Country). Marcelo is also active in the promotion of historical memory over there, in an organisation called Ahaztuak and which also has a radio program. They too posed for solidarity photos.
Despite the rain we did collect quite a few new signatures and also had opportunities to explain to people what is happening and what are the speculators’ plans.
During the week we received as a donation a load of badges made for our campaign to sell to raise fighting funds and to promote the campaign and we had them available on the table today. Here’s a big shout of “go raibh míle maith agaibh!” to Shamrock Superstore in Ard Mhacha
We have no further news on “the new rejuvenated market” reported in the Irish Times last Saturday but although generally a progressive thing (if it happens!) it was disappointing that nothing about the history was mentioned in the article. The Times declined once again to publish a letter from us.
We’ve been given no estimate of when An Bord Pleanála’s decision is expected but could be as early as the end of this month – or not.
Nothing further has been heard regarding the revelations in The Village magazine of a compensation scheme to pay off street traders, with the contributors being the State, the Council and the speculators, public money being used to smooth the way for a property speculator! For some reason the politician who was about to make an official complaint of fraud to the police has not, it seems done so.
To help, share our posts from time to time; have your photo taken at the banner and post on your own FB page, reaching the people we cannot and the media will not.

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