Bhí sé grianmhar agus te.
Bróna, Orla, Daniel, Cathal agus Diarmuidv– with Steve arriving later — were the foireann today.
As well as the Dubs signing the petition and chatting to us today, we also had people with Cork and Kerry backgrounds. Among people with backgrounds in other countries, two Nigerian women came up to sign.
As we reported last week, some work was done on the windows of some buildings in Moore Street; they look a bit better from the outside but possibly bars were being installed too. A new fascia board was installed under the guttering of the building on the corner of Salmon’s Lane.
Today we witnessed work being done from a ‘cherry-picker’ (see photo) on the “Dutch Billy” building in the southern end of Moore Street. According to the management of the buildings, this is being done to ensure slates don’t slip (there was a hole in that roof for years) and to remove weeds. As to why now, after all these years of visible neglect and deterioration, there was no answer.
However, as the Irish Times reported today (see link), Dublin City Council plans to open a new experimental street market on the street and no doubt the cleanup is related to that. The new market is reported to be arising out of a report of the Expert Market Group from December 2020 – yes, TWO YEARS AGO.
The I. T. report quotes Cnclr. Donna Cooney, who chaired the Group but of course, as consistently over the years, the Irish Times failed to contact us for our opinion. Nobody in fact even alerted us to this forthcoming development — a bad oversight in any circumstance but particularly shocking in view of the fact that WE WERE AN ACTIVE PART OF THAT SMALL WORKING GROUP!
The Street Market AND the history!
We support revitalisation of the market but part of our Report was also about highlighting the 1916 history of the street, of which we see no mention whatsoever in the Irish Times piece. In particular, it was agreed that the O’Rahilly monument in the Parade named after him, between Moore Street and Moore Lane, should be signposted.
Despite promises to us over four years, this was not done until DCC erected one about two months ago, which only lasted about a week before it disappeared. Again promises to replace it came to nothing and yesterday our campaign activists erected three signpost posters at Moore Street junctions with Dame Street, Parnell Street and O’Rahilly parade.
Michael O’Rahilly, a founder of the Irish Volunteers, was killed in Moore Street during the 1916 Rising while leading a charge against a British Army barricade at the northern end. The monument reproduces in his own script the farewell letter he wrote to his wife and children as he lay dying in that laneway.
Our Appeal.
An Bord Pleanála wrote advising us that their intention of reaching a decision before 24th August cannot now be achieved due to backlog in their work and is being postponed to “the near future”.
The holdup may be as stated but could also be connected to the internal problems of ABP with the Deputy Chairman resigning and allegedly investigated and the Chairman being publicly castigated for failure to deal with the issues surrounding his Deputy appropriately and in good time.
New Canopies
We reported from the street traders that the Council have told them they’ll be getting new canopies but without any consultation but we have no update on that – presumably these will be in order to match those being provided to the new stalls.
As Usual
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Save Moore Street Awareness Week 414 – 27 August 2022