Bhí sé bagairt báistigh but in the end not even a shower during our shift, with even a few minutes of sun before we packed up to dul abhaile. Working on the street one is of course very conscious of the weather, two hours a week for us but much more than that for those selling from stalls on the street.
Bróna, Daniel agus Diarmuid a bhí sa bhfoireann inniu.
Despite the gloomy and threatening weather we collected a whole sheet’s worth of petition signatures and distributed leaflets.
We failed to find our own O’Rahilly Monument signpost but discovered it as we were finishing. The clips and hooks had been misplaced so with a pair of scissors borrowed from the Asian food store and our ball of string, the three of us were making up loops with which to hang the banner and flags from the rope. With a couple of screws to replace the two hooks and a screwdriver borrowed from the Chinese electronic repairman, we were able to secure the bottom sides of the banner. It all took time but in the end looked surprisingly well.
Some people asked us for updates on the campaign. At this moment the Planning Department of Dublin City Council has approved two planning applications for the Moore Street area (and may well approve a third, for Nos.24, 25 Moore Street and O’Rahilly Parade). The two so far agreed involve the whole of the central terrace with the exception of Nos.10 and 14-17 in addition to part of the northern end of Moore Street, into Parnell Street. If the Hammerson plan goes ahead it will mean the eviction of a number of independent businesses and the area turned firstly into a huge demolition and then a construction site, with disastrous consequences for most businesses, employees and the market stalls.
Appeals costing €220 each have been submitted to An Bord Pleanála against the two applications granted. Anyone can add an Observation to one of those appeals for a charge of €50. Here is how to do it:
• write or type your name and address on a sheet of paper and
• the DCC Planning reference number(s) you are objecting to (Nos. 2861/21 and 2862/21)
• Write “I wish to support the appeal of ….. (choose the one you support) because …..
• ………………….. (list your reasons)
• Deliver it by hand or mail to:
The Secretary,
An Bord Pleanála,
64 Marlborough Street,
Dublin 1.
• And pay the charge.
• By 3rd March 2022
You should also keep a copy for yourself.