UPDATE: The Dublin City Council Planning Application process is open for observations on the Hammerson plan. Observations for all three Hammerson applications for the Moore Street area cost €20 each to make but for anyone who made one earlier this year they can now add to it in the light of Hammerson’s responses to objections, FREE.
You can submit an observation online on their website (for which you will need to register with them, by post or alternatively by hand delivery. To be valid, you must include the serial number of the specific planning application, your name and address and this will be posted on the DCC website (but not your email address or phone number) along with the content of the observation.
Online: Go top Search For a Planning Application / Online Login/Register. and follow through the steps. (you will automatically be asked for €20 towards the end of the process but those who previously paid to make an observation on this will have their money refunded, according to the Planning Office.
By hand: Observations can also be submitted using the dropbox facility in DCC’s Civic Offices.
Payment Methods: The statutory fee of €20.00 may be paid in cash, by postal order or by cheque. Please note that all postal orders and cheques must be made payable to Dublin City Council.
Don’t miss the deadline (which we believe is) 5th December.
For some suggestions on how to approach what to say in the observation, please see last week’s album text. Also, we strongly recommend that you type your text out first and save it before copying into the Council’s system.
Bhí triúir inár bhfoireann ar na doirneoga inniu: Bróna, Daniel agus Diarmuid.
Among the people who came to us, Irish and migrants, were Belfast visitors on a tour with Bartle D’Arcy and they crowded to sign the petition, Diarmuid soon giving them snapshots of the 1916 history of the street. They took some photos and also posed for a group solidarity photo. We urged them to visit the O’Rahilly Monument (which Bartle may well have intended anyway).
After a break of some months, we began placing a donations container on our table again and today collected €20 in notes in addition to coins. We will soon be printing new petition sheets and our objections to the Council, leaflets, placards, posters, table and banner have all been funded by public donations. We are an independent organisation politically and financially.
Dick O’Carroll, whom we have not seen for some time, dropped by. His grandfather Richard O’Carroll was a Councillor in 1916 and though not involved in the fighting, was taken prisoner under Captain Bowen-Colthurst; when asked by the Captain whether he was a Republican, he answered: “To the backbone”, for which the Captain shot him in the stomach and left him lying in the street. Dick told us that some Irish soldiers in the British Army recognised him and had him taken to the Military Hospital at Portobello, where he died six days after his shooting.
Bowen-Colthurst was an officer in the 3rd Royal Irish Regiment of the British Army and responsible for the murder of at least another four, including socialist and pacifist Francis Sheehy-Skeffington and two loyalist journalists.
A woman approached us to show a framed photograph of the plinth of Nelson’s Pillar after the Admiral had briefly flown before crashing to the ground in an explosion by the Irish Republican group Saor Éire in 1966. A “blast from the past” indeed! She permitted us to take a photo of the framed image which we include it in the album. She and Diarmuid sang us a few lines from a ballad that hit No.1 and stayed in the Irish charts for eight weeks in 1966. The quick-off-the-mark group was “The Go-Lucky Four” and we don’t think anything more was ever heard of them.
Bhí an aimsir tirm but sent us a séideán báistigh at about 1.25 and we packed up though five minutes early – besides some of us had another event to attend that afternoon.
If you care
then why not share?
….. from time to time, reaching people we cannot. Féach níos lú