Save Moore Street Awareness Week 361 – 28 August 2021

Bróna, Diarmuid and Daniel staffed the campaign table on the hot sunny Saturday in Moore Street.  The erection of the banner took much exasperation and twice as long without the experienced Bart.


One couple who came to the table returned a little later with another couple, also wanting to support the campaign.  In response to a request for more information and a request to film it, Diarmuid gave a condensed report on mobile video on the history including the market, the 1916 battle in the area, the participating organisations and an introduction to our campaign group.

A couple of people who talked to us last week have since booked a walking tour, as have a few of our occasional helpers through Daniel, fast becoming a regular.


Quite a number of GAA football supporters in Kerry colours passed through and our team were keen to tell them of some of the Kerry people who had fought and died in the area, e.g Volunteer Michael Mulvihill, who died at the Henry Place/ Moore Lane intersection, unlike his brother-in-law, Vol. Austin Kennan, who survived the more dangerous charge led by another Kerryman, Michael O’Rahilly.  The latter died in the laneway now bearing his name, O’Rahilly Parade, where a substantial monument stands but unsignposted for the unsuspecting passers-by.

Bróna remarked on the absence of Tyrone colours in the street which was strange as they were due to play Kerry that afternoon in Croke Park.  In the event, Kerry, who had been knocking in goals all season failed to score even one against Tyrone in a hard-fought match, the Red Hand County scored 14 points but also 3 goals and won the game with the minimum difference after extra time.

Meanwhile, Ireland was scoring golds in the Paralympics in what has been a great year for Irish athletics internationally.


Back on Moore Street, people are clearly with the campaign in its opposition to the Hammerson Plan, some expressing frustration that the area is still in danger as we await the response of the Planning Chief to Dublin City Council to the property speculator’s Planning Application.  The latter have to prepare responses to some queries from the Planning Department and also from the Department of Heritage (neither or which however have challenged the fundamental concept of the Hammerson Plan.

As noted in last week’s report, we still have no update on the process of awarding “protected structure status” to a number of buildings in the street on historical grounds.  You might want to ask any Councillors you know what is happening about that.

You can also help by sharing our posts on Facebook or from our website from time to time, the latter accessible also by people who are not on Facebook.

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