This is Week 360, i.e it is that number of weeks since we started the campaign stall on Moore Street back in September 2014, every Saturday (except for the Lockdown weeks). The number 360 as an angle also describes a circle and is a way of expressing someone changing their position completely. Over the years some have changed partially or completely. However, we are still here, our basic position still the same: no demolition of buildings, laneways or backyards in the Moore Street area.
The rain that threatened us as we set off from our respective homes this morning held off, which was certainly fortunate considering the monsoon-type showers that hit Dublin later, nuair a bhí sé ag stealladh báistí. Bróna, Daniel and Diarmuid were able to stay dry while doing our work.
The time seemed to fly today as we talked to different people – gioraíonn beirt bóthar indeed but conversation shortens time passed in one place too.
As we were finishing and tidying our gear away (banner, flags, leaflets, table, rope, small and big clips ….) we were approached by an individual who after a few sentences about the campaign soon began to tell us about his belief that the pandemic is a hoax so that we may be controlled etc, etc. We replied politely that we did not agree and, as time went on, added that we’d be unlikely to agree so probably best to leave it at that. He wouldn’t though and after some time a woman we see often on the streets, who had been standing by, came to tell him to go away – which he did eventually but reluctantly.
Then we saw something we have not seen for a long time — a history tour in the street, one of Lorcán Ó Coilleáin’s, he of years of “1916 Rebellion Walking Tours” but not himself, one of his staff who has also been doing this kind of work for some years.
In answer to an enquiry today, yes we also do guide Save Moore Street From Demolition walking history tours, by prior arrangement. So if you want to get a small group of people interested, contact us and we’ll arrange one with you.
We had visitors signing today from Derry and the USA. Gregory Harris from the USA but of Hungarian background was very interested in learning about history and architecture as was his wife Maura Kehoe Harris and we sent them off to see the O’Rahilly Monument as they had passed O’Rahilly Parade, where the Monument is, without being aware of its existence. (Yes, yes, why is it not signposted by Dublin City Council? You probably know why!).
Another group we directed towards the O’Rahilly Monument were the Dohertys from Derry; one of their daughters, they told us, was performing this weekend in a production being staged in Kilmainham. They were happy to pose for a SMSFD solidarity portrait photo for which we have an additional separate album.
We met also another branch of the Troy family who were also in the butchery trade and at one time ran an abattoir off Moore Street – they too signed the petition.
And Bróna met a woman in person today whom until today she knew only from social media. Her friend’s friend told us about a book by someone — but could not remember the title — who had lived in Moore Street. We’d like to find out and read it ….
Nothing much to report yet but a question to ask: what is happening to the resolution, twice agreed at Dublin City Council, to seek protected structure status for buildings in Moore Street? Some years ago this was agreed in a vote by Dublin City councilors but really slowly processed by the Planning Department, despite us raising it often in the Mayor’s Forum on Moore Street.
Eventually, an archaeologist was engaged to carry out an assessment. Hammerson would not allow him access to their buildings and also threatened the Council with a law suit if the procedure went ahead; his report lies in the Planning Department, unpublished – members of the public may view it but are not permitted to copy it!
A couple of months ago, Councillors again passed a motion that the process of applying protected structure status be progressed. Why are we still waiting?
Our supporters may wish to chase up Councillors and the officials to ask what is happening with this survey – is it going ahead and if so, when? if not, why not?
And why are there not signposts directing people to the O’Rahilly Monument?
Those are things you can do to support the campaign, also to share our posts on here or on our website
Slán go fóill.