On this sunny Saturday, a small core team gathered on the cobbles with the campaign table for the first time this year. Bróna, Diarmuid and Bart also got company from Seán, who has helped out the team in the past. Setting up took some time due to the fact that the bag with various materials has gone missing, despite bringing in bits and pieces that are needed, Diarmuid was running around to the shops for a while.
The street was lively and the reactions mostly positive, but the latest developments regarding the Moore Street quarter seem not to have been picked up by everyone. On the other hand, some were discussing what would happen next if the Council’s Planning Department were to agree the speculator’s application. Stephen Troy, of Troy’s Butchers in Moore Street, passed by and engaged us in conversation, he and Diarmuid expressing appreciation of one another’s objections to the Planning Application (all of theirs and others are listed as “observations” on the DCC website under Planning Applications, referenced by the three Application numbers: 2861/21, 2862/21, 2863/ 21). Several traders and business people pointed out that the DCC notices of the Hammerson applications had been removed and were wondering whether they should have been left up until the Planning Department had arrived at a decision.
We also heard suggestions for the campaign, how to take action in various ways.
It was good to be back to a bit of banter with the market traders, but the street still looks different with only about one-third of the stalls open, a far cry from what it used to be years ago. This of course suits the property speculator, giving the impression to some that there is nothing left to save.
The 2-hour stint was over before we knew it, packing up was going a bit faster than setting up despite the fact that Bróna and Seán could not stay until the end. Due to the availability of the team members, we cannot say for sure that we will be back every week and will have to take it a week at a time, though announcements on our Facebook page will keep people updated as usual. We are assured of the numbers to be there next week, the 17th, however.
Slán go fóill.