Save Moore Street Awareness Week 336 (Suspension)

Moore Street 27th February 2021

Photo: Moore Street, 27th February 2021

Mel went down to Moore Street today,checking to see it was still there and that no major changes had taken place. There recently has been an awful lot of bluff and bluster through ‘virtual’ meetings and re-hashed plans presented in the media, being supported or not supported by various people and parties. Mel’s visit it was a reality check.

Most of these utterings and mutterings have not involved in any meaningful way those who have an actual presence on the streets over the years. Many of those street traders and shopkeepers will be irreversible affected by big corporate plans that wish to maximise their profits and obliterate the culture and history of the world famous Moore Street Market and renowned site of some of the most significant events of the 1916 Rising.

The grand planning is descending from on high, is being conducted in the virtual corridors, behind the screens of the pandemic, where it seems that scant account is be given to the many who have stood on the street seeking Moore Street’s sustainable conservation and revitalisation. The many who would never give support to a ‘Charing-Cross-like’ Metro station in the midst of the 1916 terrace. This is a scandalous and appalling situation, though some would say typical of the gentry, of the imperialist mind and a betrayal of the very idea of an Irish Republic.

Moore Street still stands, though neglected shabby and bit empty but it still has a pulse.

Whose Street? Whose Plan? What do you want for Moore Street?

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